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How did that get on my computer

How did that get on my computer

Have you ever clicked on OK or NEXT without reading what you are agreeing to? Nowadays, most people are used to fast or instant satisfaction when surfing the internet which has led us to become increasingly impatient. As a consequence of this impatience, it is common...

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The Importance of Surge Protection

The Importance of Surge Protection

Do you protect your electronic equipment from voltage spikes? Power surges (also referred to as glitches, transients and spikes) are a major cause of data loss and electronic failures. Additionally, they can cause damage, significantly reducing your devices' lifespan....

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7 Creative ways to make use of your redundant tablet

7 Creative ways to make use of your redundant tablet

In this modern technological world, our electronic devices soon become replaced with newer, better, more efficient versions and we’re often forced to upgrade in order to access the latest apps and games. If you have an old, neglected tablet consigned to the back of a...

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Streaming Video from the Toy Fair

Streaming Video from the Toy Fair

Having fun working for SilverstreamTV at the London Toy Fair #toyfair15 we had a visitor! This is a fun few days looking after the IT and video streaming for the Toy Fair's event TV, we are streaming to screens all around the venue and also onto the internet with an...

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